PlanetSandbox AMA Recap: Roadmap for 2022

Planet Sandbox
9 min readDec 23, 2021


Let see what our CEO have to share about staking, Christmas plan and the 2020 roadmap!

At 2PM UTC, December 22nd, Mr. Minh Nguyen — CEO & Co-Founder of Planet Sandbox hosted an AMA session on Among all the great questions, the best ones were rewarded with $200 BUSD — For 5 pre-chosen questions on Twitter and 5 live questions. Let’s see what our CEO have to share about staking, Christmas plan and the 2020 roadmap!

The session were divided into three parts:

SECTION I: First, Mr. Minh started with some warm-up questions:

Q: Mr. Minh, Christmas is coming to town and I can already sense the atmosphere here in $PSB farm. Can you share more about the Christmas agenda of PlanetSandbox?

A: As all you already know, we will start season 2 of Alpha test tomorrow which we called Christmas Arena. In this season, everyone can join our test version without any conditions. At the end of the season, you will earn PSB and NFT Santa Scorpion, which exclusive version will never sell in the future from us again. You still able to trade this NFT from others on marketplace

There are 4 activities you can participate in:

- Leaderboards: Top 10 of each leaderboard will earn 1 NFT each, and Top 3 will receive an additional $PSB prize. After season 1, we got many valuable feedback from all of you, and we appreciate that for the product improvement. Many bugs and new features are implemented, such as: match making, carrying 2 guns at once, cannot login…And many more for you to discover when season start tomorrow

- Second activities, 30 NFTs will be given to 30 lucky winners in the Gleam contest: You just need to complete the social tasks and earn more entries.

- Third, 20 lucky holders within the top 300 will receive NFTs. We will took a random snapshot between Dec 21st-25th

- Last but not least is the chat contest right here at PlanetSandbox Telegram Group! Top 5 will directly receive the prize, and the other 5 lucky winners will be chosen within top 100.


Let’s participate in your favorite activities with PlanetSandbox! Merry Christmas and have a fun time in the game!

Q: “In this season, everyone can join our test version without any conditions.” Awesome! Does this mean EVERYONE can try the game?

A: Yeah, it is. It’s a good reason for us to have a best gameplay mechanic, which good preparation for P2E version

Q: Let’s move on to Q2: Staking program is coming tomorrow! So excited. Can you provide more information about the $PSB staking program?

A: It’s truly an apology from me and the Planet Sandbox team for postponing the staking program so long. As you know, the staking should be here already. But we do want a good audit from the top 1 audit service: Certik. It’s an improvement for the system to protect investors from losing money from lacking mechanics or bugs. The staking port will be launched officially by this time tomorrow. There are 4 staking pools, each has a different committed staking duration: 15 days, 90 days, 180 days and 365 days. The APR, minimum & maximum staking limit per user, and pool cap of each pool is also different. Please refer to this table for details:

You can see the highest prize is Land, which offers you a Land Owner role, and you can get huge passive income.

The full report from Certik is here:

Staking will go LIVE tomorrow, at 2PM UTC Dec 23rd, 2021

Last but not least, we also have incentives for early birds. For the first 10 stakers of each pool, by rewarding them with 50 $PSB each.

Q: Now I see this, can’t wait to join 180 & 365 days pools! Alright last question before we move on to part 2: What is your plan for 2022? Please share with us the most updated roadmap for PlanetSandbox.

A: Let’s take a look at this image. This is the question I have been waiting for!

I’m very excited to share with you guys the most updated roadmap for PlanetSandbox.

Let’s look back at our milestones back in 2021. Since our IDO on Oct 5th, our dev team has worked non-stop and have actively revealed our in-game assets, like Weapons NFT: Viper’s kiss, Frontier dawn , Eagle eye neon…If you join the alpha test, pretty sure you are all familiar with these guns. But you will get more active conversation and game activities when Chiyo, Scorpion… or Land NFT like Devastatum, Verglaz, Zephr… release in our game

But after all, in 2022, will be big move from team with these key feature launch:

- It’s set that the official P2E game will launch in February of 2022!

- The PC platform of the game will be available first, followed by the Mobile version.

- Our marketplace will be ready on early Q2/2022 for users to trade and rent out their NFTs

  • A new game mode will be added every quarter, and the NFTs in companion for the game mode will be sold accordingly.

And don’t forget this 6 packs guy running in the game:

SECTION II: Twitter-picked Questions:

Q: Would love to play as Chiyo, she looks fire. Let’s move on to Part 2: Twitter pre-pick questions, shall we?

From Crypto Boy — @Crypto_Isaac: What is Planet Sandbox NFT system like? Can you give us the categories of NFTs available? What are the roles of $PSB and $PULV in the PSB Ecosystem and can we use them to buy NFT?

A: We separate P2E player into several roles:

- F2E: which joins the battle with default gun, tries to stand in the way of NFT owner and claims daily reward

- Soldier NFT owner: which own character NFT, Weapon. You will have a bigger chance to join the high benefit battle tier.

On the other hand, NFT owner can claim battle pass premium rewards, which are not available for Free to earn players. And for sure, we will sell Character NFT by PSB.

- The last role: Land Owner, who own a big land, which give you ability to build your arena and let’s other soldier to join -> passive income count the participant

Stake $PSB also gives you benefits in the game circle, which support your revised energy (which require for battle and revise after a certain time). Or claim a special loot box at the daily login and leaderboard reward.

That’s some for $PSB utilities about $PULV. It’s what you by consumable like buttlet, fix gun. Also a part of reward for all the players. We will listing $PULV on pancake swap in January

Q: Nice, already added PULV to watchlist 😉

From bangjakicrypto — @bangjakicrypto: Gaming sector is extremely competitive & many platforms had to work very hard to reach their current user numbers. How will Planet Sandbox team compete with the existing gaming platforms & what extra features will Planet Sandbox offer to attract the gamers from the other platforms?

A: We focus on the long term and quality gameplay, which is different from other projects to pump/dump the price. That’s why our token is sideways for a very long time, even pump when BTC down. I believe the good and stable game economic flow will stay longer than the ocean of projects out there. I will get a reward in a chat contest for sure!!

Q: From manialovers — @manialovers1: Planet Sandbox is an NFT blockchain game, most of the NFT games only focus on profit with P2E, this is one of the main attractions of blockchain games. So, is Planet Sandbox more focused on the player experience on and off the game to create a balance between playing and winning?

A: The question has been answered there already. We support free to earn players, players to earn, builder players with passive income. The real time PvP 3D game, not the heroes turn based one.And yes, we do want to bring the earn feature belong with best game experience as possible

Q: From suman076.near — @crypto_Suman: Many P2E games not support Mobiles, it’s very different to play games on Mobile through web app. which makes many players around the world less attractive,with respect to your roadmap do you have any plan to release a mobile compatible apk version? Thank you.

A: As I said before, the game will have both PC and mobile version. P2E launch in February will be PC for sure, and it will improve player’s experience and spread the game to many more players.

Q: From cryptonews — @crypton66238997. After a quick view on Planet Sandbox Games at the website, it caught my attention, curious about the games and willing to play. Anyway, for a new entry like me, is there any manual or module to learn about the games for beginners? And where can we find them?

A: First channel you should pay attention to is this telegram group, but you may be distracted by other aspects like price, community discussions, feedback, and question of token.

The more focused and categorized channel is Discord:, which our customer service will support directly from different categories of topics.

SECTION III: Telegram questions:

Let’s get to the last session: Part 3: Live questions in Telegram. Mr @minh_planetsandbox is free to choose as many questions as you want to answer, but only 5 lucky winners will share the $100 BUSD prize pool.


A: Soon mate, the team understands the importance of liquidity when investors check the token. When it’s the time of P2E version release, we will connect more mkt partners and game guild for preparation.

Q: From Maddine: What is your marketing plan for Q1 2022?

A: As you know, P2E version official release, so the game guild partner will be very important with us. On the other hand, KoL and AMA partners in big crypto countries will give us a chance to spread the word quickly. We’re looking for a strategy partner which is tier 1 in each country, and they will help us scale up the community and manage them to become stronger.

Planet Sandbox is a hidden gem compared with its potential. You know.

Q: From Lola II FRAM BTC: Currently there are so many investors just focusing on the price of token in the short term period instead of real technology of the project. Can you tell us the motivation and benefits for investors of your project for the long term?

A: That is why we plan to list on cex and also release staking models, which will provide special and good benefits for diamond holders.

Q: From James Foster: Which one of these aspects is important for you? In what order?

1-Increasing Token Price & Value

2-Empowering Platform Development

3-Building Community Trust

4-Expanding Partnership Globally

A: 2–3–1–4. I wonder between 1 and 4 but 2 and 3 is the first for sure. The good game inside bring the best marketing value outside

Q: From Leonasdv: we all know PSB is under the radar, what’s the strategy to get PSB be noticed by people around the world ?

A: We do it one by one and it is stable, but will blow in sometime, like you saw when the first alpha release (3 USD high). But we always need more partners for a long journey. We’re focusing on native and tier 1 in each country, game build, KoL. Please connect or send information if you know one of them. The market should be in some strong crypto country: Turkey, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, Philippines…


We hope the AMA session has been informative and please stay tuned for a next great year of Planet Sandbox!

About Planet Sandbox

Planet Sandbox is the ultimate third-person NFT sandbox game that powers players with limitless building tools to customize their own worlds and design game modes. The land will become a business which the owner can sell or earn passive income through the renting system. Aside from the builder function, players can enjoy the excitement of Multiplayer mode when participating in games. Choose your favorite sandbox, and compete with others, in intense fighting games such as death-match, hunting prop… to earn prizes.

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Planet Sandbox